Stacyc Electric Bikes
We are very excited to introduce an awesome new product here at Sprocketz, the Stacyc Electric Bike. They are the perfect mix of a dirt bike and bicycle without the need of pedals, gas, or oil. These electrically powered balance bikes are designed to be used without training wheels. Because kids start out using their feet, they learn the fundamentals of balance and stability first. As a result the transition to electric power is much easier. So kids are less afraid when learning and parents are less afraid when watching. Meaning, kids are more likely to enjoy the experience and ride more often.
Now more about the bikes themselves. Stacyc electric bikes come in two sizes, the 12eDrive and 16eDrive. And are designed for kids 3 years and older who weigh up to 75 pounds. The 12e is powered by a 2 Ah Lithium Ion battery and is recommended for kids with a 14-inch inseam. The 16e is powered by a 4 Ah Lithium Ion battery and is recommended for kids with an 18-inch inseam. Typically, each bike runs about 30 to 60 minutes depending on size, terrain, and riding style. However, a 5 Ah battery upgrade is available for both bikes. Also, you have three powered options to choose from; Red, yellow, and green, or training, standard, and advanced. Each mode uses the internal electric motors to operate a gear which drives a chain and sprocket like the big bikes.
“For kids 3 years and older”
Stacyc offers two sizes, the 12e and 16e and are designed for kids 3 years and older who weigh up to 75 pounds.

Overall, we think Stacyc electric bikes are really something special. Recently purchased by Harley Davidson, they represent a whole new era in the motor-sport industry. As many of the big motorcycle manufactures are already producing electric options to their bikes this trend will likely change the industry landscape as a whole. Stacyc embodies this change and we are excited to offer them to our customers. So, whether you want to teach your kids to ride or just get them out of the house, Stacyc electric bikes will make that happen. They are an affordable alternative to the sport and are sure to deliver that “wow’ factor this holiday. Be sure to check out our Stacyc page to find out more about what model is right for your child. Get your kids riding sooner by visiting Sprocketz today.